Do not post NSFW images (including cropped for a meme or otherwise). This includes not making NSFW comments aimed at characters in the mod, especially on other people's art. Please refrain from posting or referencing NSFW or potentially disturbing content on the subreddit. You do not need to give credit if it's an 'official artwork' of Calamity ( ) Keep all posts appropriate. Use common sense.ĭon't attempt to create loopholes in the rules, give a warning if you post a video that is loud, don't do anything dumb, credit artists if you use their art in memes/other images. Posts made in another language will be removed. Please be respectful to one another, this includes not insulting, not using vulgar slurs, and maintaining a kind attitude towards each other. This includes images of Discord chats between people with Calamity character names, and regular videos/memes with Calamity music added. Posts must be related to the Calamity Mod or directly related to the subreddit, and posts not following this will be removed. Rules Only posts relating to the Calamity Mod for Terraria.